Senior Adult Ministry
September is fast approaching!! Our next JOY meeting is September 5, 2024, 11:30 a.m. We will meet in Linda Griffin’s Sunday School class. Soups are on the menu for our meal. Several ladies volunteered at our August meeting to bring their favorite soup and some volunteered to bring desserts. It’s sure to be a great meal. Plans for our devotion are still in the making and if all
works out you sure don't want to miss it.
We are getting geared up for our September meeting at Pleasant Grove on September 19, 2024. We will meet at 11:30 a.m. in their fellowship hall. Our TBC JOY group are all invited to come. Lunch will be a baked potato bar, dessert, tea, water. Please try to make this meeting and give encouragement to our Pleasant Grove friends. I know they will appreciate you joining in their meeting. Mrs. Linda Griffin will be giving the devotion at Pleasant Grove.
The Senior Adult Leadership Conference at Evergreen Baptist Church in Evergreen, Alabama was a great success. We learned so much about leading senior citizens and much discussion was presented on getting these vital adults involved in taking part in leading and teaching in church. One statement that was included in one of the sessions was “Don’t let a number stop you”!! The conference leaders stressed that our older members are a wealth of information and have walked with Jesus longer than any of us and they have so much to share if given the chance. It was a great privilege to attend these classes to help us become better leaders.
If you are not a member of the JOY group, please give us a try!! It’s a wonderful, casual, comfortable, fun time we come together to fellowship, have a meal together, have a devotion and fun activities. Join us September 5th as we explore some new ideas we heard about at Evergreen.
Love to you all,