Children's Ministry

We are already one month into 2025, wow! We are looking forward to a busy Spring semester in the Children’s Department! I encourage you, as we’re already into this year, to get your child involved in some form of discipleship. We have many different options available for you and your children!
Sunday School every Sunday at 9:45 is a great time of discipleship for your children. We offer classes for our 2-3-year old children through 6th grade. I strongly encourage you to get your child and yourself involved.
Of course, we have Awana every Wednesday Night through May 14th! Awana is a fantastic vehicle for discipleship and training in God’s Word! Encourage your children and yourselves to learn scripture every week!
Looking ahead….
February 12th – Let your Large group or small group leader know you love them, write them a letter! Girls wear pink/hearts, boys wear red
ALL JAN- FEB verses need to be said no later than 02/26/25
March 12th – Wear your favorite baseball or softball team attire!
March 26th – Spring Break, no Awana.
We are already in VBS planning mode! VBS is scheduled for June 1-5! Use the link provided below to register your child or yourself if you attend TBC and are planning to volunteer! I encourage you to do this ASAP as planning is in the works!
6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
God’s Word gives us all the advice we need where our children are involved. Follow His Word today and make sure you are leading by example! Get involved in discipleship!