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Quiet Forest

A Message from our Pastors

A Personal Note

I think the start of the fall semester might be my favorite time of the church year. We actually had our first Wednesday night of the fall semester last night and it was really good! AWANA started back, new Bibles studies are starting, and it was a great night. There was a great crowd here last night!


You can go to the church website to view the calendar of activities for not only Wednesday night, but weekday activities and other special activities that we will be doing this Fall. We try not to load you down with more stuff than you can possibly do. We know that you have other things in your life with school, sports, and family responsibilities, but we do have things on the schedule that we are doing this Fall and we hope that you will participate. Wednesdays are especially important for the discipleship opportunities it offers. We have something for every member of the family on Wednesdays from AWANA for the children, Youth, and adult Bible studies for every age adult.


We want you to get plugged in as early in the Fall as possible! The staff here at TBC does an awesome job of getting things started up quickly! You can literally be back in the swing of things before Labor Day, and that is important because we do not want people to wait until Fall is almost past before they get plugged back in to church, discipleship, and worship opportunities!

It’s like getting an early start on your yard in the summer! You can’t wait until the end of July to apply weed killer and fertilizer on your yard! By the end of July, the growing season for grass is almost over! That is the same way it is for Christians in the Fall.


As the end of summer grows near, most families have been on vacations etc. all summer. They have missed church more than they should, and spiritually they just aren’t as sharp! If they do not get started back in church quickly in the Fall it might be October or even November before they finally make it back to church or they might get out of church altogether! Every year, people get out of church when summer and vacations begin, and they never return to church. They aren’t in church; their children aren’t in church. They didn’t intend to get out of church, but it just kind of happened! Don’t let that be you or your family!


We had a great new crop of deacons selected for the new year. We selected 8 new deacons to replace the 8 that rotated off, and we are excited for these new guys to begin their three years of service.

Choir and ensemble rehearsals will be resuming momentarily, and we’d love for you to be a part of leading worship with these two important parts of our congregation. So, check your calendar and join us for those two opportunities!


It’s going to be a great Fall! God Bless! See You Sunday morning!




Our fall schedule has officially kicked off and we are in full swing here at Tompkins Baptist Church! Our Awana program, Youth services, and Bible studies got off to a great start! Please consider joining us on Wednesdays as we serve meals from 5:00-5:45 then kick off our programs and studies afterward! It’s a great time of food, fellowship and spiritual growth!



Our Wednesday meals have an upgrade this year by the addition of a salad bar! We are still serving our regular meals but now have a side salad as a side for the regular meal. If you don’t want a meal, you can purchase a salad bar plate for the same price with dessert and drink included! This is a great option and has been a huge success so far! We know weekdays are hectic with work, school, practices and so on! So we are trying to make it as convenient as possible to feed your family and get in your group to study!


Lastly, I would like to mention our new Habits of the Household Bible Study. This is a great study designed to help you and your family grow closer to God! It doesn’t matter if you haven’t had kids yet, have kids or grandkids, it hit on several topics that are key in growing your family closer to Jesus! Think about the habits you have in your family, good, bad or ugly! We become our habits, and our children become us! We need to be creating habits that shape us into the image of Jesus and not the world! This study will help us to do just that! Please consider joining in and invite someone!

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